Lenny Funny Quotes That Thing You Do


That Thing You Do! (1996) Poster

[When Jimmy is reluctant to sign a management contract]

Lenny: Are you crazy? A man in a really nice camper wants to put our song on the radio! Gimme a pen; I'm signin', you're signin', we're all signin'!

Faye: I have wasted thousands and thousands of kisses on you - kisses that I thought were special because of your lips and your smile and all your color and life. I used to think that was the real you, when you smiled. But now I know you don't mean any of it. You just save it for all your songs. Shame on me for kissing you with my eyes closed so tight.

Jimmy: [Speaking about Diane Dane] She told me never trust a label. And I'm beginning to believe her.

Lenny: Well, sure. I mean, come on. They put us up in a first class hotel, all expenses paid, while our record climbs the charts; bunch of lyin' snakes.

Jimmy: Sorry I'm buggin' you! I guess I'm alone in my principles.

[leaves the room]

Lenny: Oh come on. Oh, there he goes off to his room to write that hit song "Alone in my principles."

Villapiano: Know what that is?

Lenny: [pauses, then answers hesitantly] Pres - idential flash cards?

Villapiano: A bonus. Do you know why?

Lenny: I have no idea.

Villapiano: To entice you back! The word is out on you O-neders!

Lenny: Hey, that's O-nedders!

Lenny: "Skitch", how did we get here?

Guy: I led you here, sir, for I am Spartacus.

Mr. White: You guys look great in gold, have I told you that?

Mr. White: Next, this "Oneders", with the O-N-E, it doesn't work. It's confusing. From now on, you boys'll just be... simply The Wonders.

Lenny: As in, I *wonder* what happened to the O'Needers?

Faye: [extended version] Guys, Chad's arm is so scary. I've never seen anything swell up so big, so fast.

Lenny: Don't take that personally, Jimmy.

Faye: Was she a good kisser?

Guy: Yeah.

Faye: Yeah?

Guy: It would be ungentlemanly of me to elaborate.

Faye: Gentleman. I'd forgotten what you fellas looked like.

Mr. White: You guys look great in red, have I told you that?

[during a TV interview with band at the Illinois State Fair]

Lenny Haise: Oh, I'm not here with these fellas. I've got a pig in competition over at the livestock pavilion, and *I* am gonna win that blue ribbon!

Mr. White: You guys look great in black, have I told you that?

Lenny: [when asked what The Wonders' musical influences are] Cap'n Geech and the Shrimp Shack Shooters.

Mr. White: You know, Horace was right about you, Guy; you are the smart one. Lenny is the fool, Jimmy is the... talent, and Faye is... well, now, Faye is special, isn't she? And you are the smart one. That's what I think, anyway.

Dell Paxton: Ain't no way to keep a band together. Bands come and go. You got to keep on playin', no matter with who.

[Asked whether his shades are prescription or just to look cool]

Guy: Well, I am the drummer.

Lenny Haise: So how long have you worked at Play-tone?

Receptionist: How long have you been wearing such tight pants?

Lenny Haise: Hey, if that's a pick-up line we're a match made in heaven.

Guy: Hey, Lamarr. Is there any place around here with really good jazz?

Lamarr: [skeptical] Oh, you want good jazz? GOOD jazz? Lemme ask you a question. Who played cornet for Jacques St. Claire on "Vital Stats"?

Guy: Scotty MacDonald.

Lamarr: Get in the cab. GET in the CAB.

[to driver]

Lamarr: Take this young man to the Blue Spot.

[after Faye has just broken up with Jimmy]

Jimmy: Shoulda dumped you in Pittsburgh!

[He gets up]

Jimmy: Which one of you butts said we were engaged?

Mr. White: The same person who said you had class, Jimmy.

Guy: Hey, Uncle Bob, when are we gonna get these records?

Uncle Bob: [thinks] Ah... Luke 21:19.

The Bass Player: And your patience possess ye your souls.

Lenny: Luke? Who's Luke? When are we gettin' the records?

Uncle Bob: Wednesday.

Lenny: I play a lot of cards. Obviously. Wanna see my deck?

[he flashes his cards]

Lenny: See? You gotta be quick! You gotta be quick with me! I'm from Erie, PA!

Lenny: He's got a very pretty girlfriend, doesn't he?

Chrissy: Is it serious, do you know?

Lenny: Very serious. I'm single!

Chrissy: [thoughtful pause] What about the bass player?

Lenny: He's married!

Mr. White: I don't want any of this lover's lament crap. I want something peppy, something happy, something up-tempo. I want something snappy.

Jimmy: [smiles and sings] I... I quit... I quit... I quit...

[speaks seriously]

Jimmy: I quit, Mr. White.

Guy Patterson: I'm Guy Patterson, I'm from Erie, Pennsylvania, I'm in a band called The Wonders and we just cut a record, we're out here on the coast and I play the drums and I have all your records well not all of them but a lot of them but ah at least I did until some of them got swiped when I was stationed in Germany and you were playing in Germany at the time that I was stationed there, but you know what I couldn't see you because you were playing in Hamburg and I was stationed in Munich but I listen to your records and I think you're great.

[takes a breath]

Guy Patterson: You are my biggest fan.

Dell Paxton: Thanks.

Phil Horace: I've found that a hit record is like a stew. All the ingredients have to come together just right. Otherwise, it's just soup.

Lenny: Hey, wasn't that our fan?

Lenny: Thank you, Illinois! The Land of Lincoln!

Lamarr: Did I check you in with a quartet of gentlemen? And why aren't they here to take care of your needs?

Faye: They're off making a major motion picture.

Lamarr: We've got movie stars in my hotel!

Faye: They're musicians, actually.

Lamarr: Even better!

Lenny: [at Villapiano's after they've sung "All My Only Dreams"] Table 19, your pizza's ready.

Guy: Yeah, we were pretty wild up in Erie, Penn.

Lenny: There was this one time, we stayed up *way* past midnight, and...

[starts laughing]

Lenny Haise: Here's the thing, we're not "The Wonders" right now, we're "Cap'n Geech and the Shrimp Shack Shooters".

Lenny: [girls climb on top of car] Well... *I* like Wisconsin.

Mr. White: [on the phone to Guy, who's sleeping in after his night at the Blue Spot] Good morning, Guy. We have a crisis here - your bass player has disappeared, and you are still in bed! Just calling to tell you to get your patootie down to the television studio! You're gonna be on TV tonight!

Mr. White: We bow, right? In unison, and we're off the stage before the applause dies out.

Jimmy: Well, what if they want an encore?

Mr. White: You unplug and you run, run offstage! Smiling, smiling, of course.

Mr. White: Put your glasses on, Shades. Give 'em what they want.

Heckler: Hey, when are you gonna play "That Thing You Do!"?

Lenny: Ah, has our fame preceded us?

Heckler: We came here to meet girls and dance, and we can't meet girls until we dance!

Lenny: [to Jimmy, the Bass Player, and Guy] All right, this seems like an opportune moment to pick it up a little.

[to the heckler]

Lenny: OK, here's one for the kid in the back.

[Reading an ad from a competing megamart]

Mr. Patterson: Open Saturday ten to ten. Open Sunday twelve to six... open on Sunday from twelve to six! You know, I don't believe I want to live in a country where you stay open on Sunday to business. You shouldn't have to work on Sunday to support your family.

Mr. White: "That Thing You Do" is the fastest rising single in the history of the Playtone label. As of tomorrow morning, you Wonders - you've got the #7 record in the country.

Mr. White: Next, uh... who is Faye?

Jimmy: [Lenny gestures to Jimmy] Faye's sort of like, like my girlfriend.

Mr. White: Aw, that is so sweet. You want her on tour? She's your costume mistress. OK, boys, do better tonight than you did today.

Mr. White: He was joining the Marines in August anyway. It was gonna happen sooner or later. Guy, say hello to Scott Pell, Wolfman.

Jimmy: How you doing?

Guy: Uh, replacement?

Mr. White: Yes.

Jimmy: Who's he player with?

Mr. White: The Techniques, uh...

Scott 'Wolfman' Pell: Roy Maxwell and the Corsairs.

Lenny: Ha-ha... really?

Mr. White: He's your new bass player.

Guy: Mr. White... no offense, but I... we've been together a long time.

Mr. White: There aren't a lot of options here, Guy.

Guy: Can he handle our tunes?

Scott 'Wolfman' Pell: I think I can handle them, junior.

[plays some bass killer licks]

Jimmy: Ok.

Lenny: Ok.

Guy: Fine.

Guy: [to Jimmy, after the Hollywood television showcase performance, referring to Faye, after he denied ever proposing to her] Why couldn't you dump her in Pittsburgh?

Guy Patterson: When was the last time you were decently kissed? I mean, truly, truly, good and kissed?

Faye: But I thought you already decided on The Echoes.

Jimmy: Nah, some band in Buffalo's the Echoes. And I wasn't wild about that.

Lenny: Let's just call us The - Band You're About To Hear.

Chad: How about The Corvettes?

Jimmy: Is that The Corvettes, or the Chordvettes?

Chad: No, Corvettes, like the car.

Jimmy: Well see, I was thinking like the Chord...

[writes Chordvettes]

Jimmy: *Chord*vettes, like chords in our music.

Lenny: [Guy walks in] Is that "Skitch" Patterson?

Chad: Here he is, Erie's lone beatnik.

The Bass Player: How about the Tempos? Ya know, tempos?

Lenny: Not the Tempos, Tempos. I was in a band already called The Tempos, and we were... terrible.

Chad: Hey Guy, weren't you the drummer for the Tempos?

Guy: Heard that.

Lenny: Where was I? Oh yeah, playing songs on my guitar.

Faye: You mean actually make a record? A record record, record?

[after Guy has gotten into a conversation with his idol, Del Paxton]

Marguerite: Look at you. You're no good to me now.

Mr. White: [after movie gig] Good news guys. You get to keep your wardrobe.

Jimmy: We were wondering if you'd like to fill in for Chad just for tonight.

Guy: Why?

Lenny: Asshole... just broke his arm!

[starts laughing]

Mr. White: [as Lenny crunches loudly on a piece of candy] Lenny, why don't you go and see if you can visit the cockpit? Tell them it's your birthday. Go! Go! Go!

Jimmy: [he's just written "Oneders"] No, look - the Oneders, Lenny.

Lenny: Yeah, it looks like the O'Needers.

Jimmy: No, the - the Oneders.

Lenny: Got it, looks like the O'Needers.

Jimmy: [strums on his guitar] It just appeared, like magic, for the whole world to see.

Faye: I didn't say anything, I was just as surprised as you.

Jimmy: 'Careful, girls, he's engaged.' Am I supposed to buy you some diamond ring now?

Faye: You're ruining this beautiful moment.

Jimmy: Where'd you get the idea that we're engaged? We're not! Last thing I need in the world!

Jimmy: [after their gig at "Weekend at Party Pier"] Hey, do we have a Top 10 record?

Mr. White: You sure do.

Jimmy: Well, then, we shouldn't be here.

Mr. White: You'd rather be back on that state fair tour, Jimmy? They're playing in North Dakota this week.

Phil Horace: I'm talking about Rock 'N' Roll shows in Steubenville, Youngstown, Pittsburgh, places like that.

The Bass Player: Pittsburgh?

Lenny: Steubenville?

Guy: I hadn't played in front of people in so long, so I was nervous, but it sounds better fast. Jimmy wanted it slow, but he was wrong, it's an up-tempo number. And we won!

Phil Horace: [after the mantinee at Orpheum] Guy, I keep telling you, you are the drummer. The backbone, the timekeeper. You can't let a tepid reaction from one matinee house affect your dedication to the band.

Guy: I was playing like one of those little wind-up monkey toys. They booed us off the stage, Phil! Jimmy couldn't even hear how off-key he was.

Phil Horace: You're gonna get it all back tonight, I promise you.

Villapiano: [spotting Guy in the audience] Hey, Ringo, showtime. Come on, you should've been on five minutes ago.

Guy: [first lines; phone rings at Patterson's] Patterson's.

Mr. Patterson: What's going on down there?

Guy: Dad?

Mr. Patterson: Harriet Priestly just called your mama. Her husband drove by the store and said the lights are still on. What are the lights still doing on?

Guy: Cookin' the books as usual, Dad.

Mr. Patterson: The sign, Guy, the sign is still on. Are we open for business all night now?

Guy: No. Sorry, I'll uh, turn that right off.

Mr. Patterson: Is that music playing on one of them store hi-fis?

Guy: I'll turn that right off, too.

Mr. Patterson: [mimicking] 'Turn that off, too.'

Marguerite: [to Guy in a bar, listing the places she's lived in as part of her life story] I left Vancouver for Tacoma, Tacoma for Portland, oh I got married Portland, oh then I left Portland for Reno, and I got divorced in Reno, then wised up and the inevitable, you know, move to LA.

[Last Title Card]: Guy and Faye Patterson were married on April 30, 1965. They raised four children in Venice, California, before moving to Bainbridge Island, Washington.

[Last Title Card]: They founded the Puget Sound Conservatory of Music, where Guy teaches Jazz Composition.

[Last Title Card]: James Mattingly II and his new band, The Heardsmen, made three Gold albums for the Play-Tone Label.

[Last Title Card]: He is now a record producer in Los Angeles, California.

[Last Title Card]: T.B. Player served two tours of duty in Vietnam, receiving the Purple Heart for wounds sustained at The Siege of Khe Sanh.

[Last Title Card]: He is a building contractor in Orlando, Florida.

[Last Title Card]: Leonard Haise is the manager of The Golden Eagle Hotel in Laughlin, Nevada.

[Last Title Card]: He is currently single.

Marguerite: [to Guy in a bar, listing the places she's lived in and her past relationships as part of her life story] I left Vancouver for Tacoma. Tacoma for Portland, oh I got married Portland, oh then I left Portland for Reno, and I got divorced in Reno, then wised up and faced the inevitable, you know, move to LA.

Freddy Fredrickson: That was Diane Dane! There she is. Diane Dane. Look at that dress, huh? That's a - that's a gold dress, like a - Wisconsin sunrise.

Lenny: Looks like Lenny's goin' fishing.

Mr. White: All right, this is it. Now - if the crowd doesn't go wild for you, don't worry about it. They will tomorrow!

Jimmy: [Lenny taps his mic before their performance at the Orpheum] Hey, hey! The mic's not on!

Lenny Haise: [going backstage to Boss Vic Koss] We - the mic's not working. The mic isn't working.

Victor 'Boss Vic Koss' Kosslovich: All right, who am I not payin' back here? Come on!

[turns on their mics, but the audience complains from the feedback]

Lenny Haise: [the mic feedback fades] Thank you. Thank you. We're the Oneders.

Victor 'Boss Vic Koss' Kosslovich: Will you play some friggin' music? C'mon!

[Guy starts playing, but his crash cymbal crashes to the stage, and the audience laughs; he and Lenny right the cymbal again]

Victor 'Boss Vic Koss' Kosslovich: Right nowww!

Mr. White: [after Jimmy leaves the studio after the Hollywood Television Showcase] Jimmy just quit. Your band is falling apart, Guy. Where's Lenny?

Guy: I have no idea.

Talent Show Emcee: [after the brass quintet performs] All right, yeah, listen to that applause! Whadda ya say, Miss Talent Show? Extra good? No, super! Very good, that definitely makes the Legends of Brass, of Phi Kappa Epsilon waaaay over there at Gannon College, our front-runners!

Lenny: [as Jimmy runs to the bathroom to throw up] Hey, man! Whatever you do, don't think of pork chops!

Guy: [trying to call the Bass Player to bring him back to the TV studio] Now I've left 50 messages!

Guy: [hangs up] WHERE THE HELL IS HE?

Guy: What do you want, something like, uh

[taps drumsticks]

Jimmy: Little slower

Guy: One, two three, four...

[taps drumsticks slower]

Jimmy: It's too fast

Lenny: Yeah, oh yeah, whoa, whoa, ya, way too fast

Jimmy: Slow down

Lenny: Slow down

Jimmy: Good

Lenny: This is not a polka. This is rock and roll.

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Source: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0117887/quotes/qt3495140

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